Execute a SaveSpecial method, optionally with XML data, into the xAssets database for your instance
sHash : The hash returned from the logon function
sUserName : The username of the logged on user
sDatabase : The database name of your instance
sIP : Your IP address. This must match your web facing IP address
The XML to be saved, or the XML parameter where the specific SaveSpecial method requires an XML parameter
sCommand : The name of the SaveSpecial command to be executed
A string array of arguments to be passed to the SaveSpecial command
bIgnoreWarnings : Normally this is set to false. If true, warning triggers will be ignored and the data will either save or raise an error
sDNS : The DNS path of your instance
lPort : The port of your instance (normally 443)
sScheme : This is always "https"
sNonce : This must be the nonce passed to you by the logon function
datNonce : This must be the nonce date passed to you by the logon function
Imports System.Text Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq Public Module Module1 Public Sub Main() Try ' Enter your API key and company database name in these variables Dim _db As String = "mycompany" Dim apikey As String = "YOURAPIKEY" ' Open a web client to login Dim web As New System.Net.WebClient() Dim urlroot as String = "https://" & _db & ".yourxassetsplatform.xassets.net/api" Dim json As String = web.DownloadString(urlroot & "/api.ashx?apikey=" & apikey & "&database=" & _db & "&command=apilogon") ' Check the login for errors Dim o As JObject = JObject.Parse(json) Dim e As String = GetResultFromJson(o, "error") If e <> "" Then Throw New Exception(e) End If ' Store the login hash, nonce and noncedate Dim hash As String = GetResultFromJson(o, "hash") Dim nonce As String = GetResultFromJson(o, "nonce") Dim noncedate As Date = CDate(GetResultFromJson(o, "noncetime")) If hash = "" Then Throw New Exception("Unexpected error - a hash was not returned from the API logon process") End If Console.WriteLine("Logged on OK") ' Open a new web client to perform the API call web = New System.Net.WebClient() ' Add the authorization header web.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " & hash) web.Headers.Add("Sec", _db & "|" & nonce & "|" & Format(noncedate, "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") & "|" & Format(noncedate, "fff")) ' Perform the actual API call Dim url as String = urlroot & "/api.ashx?command=WebSaveSpecial Dim data As String = web.DownloadString(url.ToString) ' Parse and output the data Dim ob As JObject = JObject.Parse(data) Dim err As String = GetResultFromJson(ob, "error") If err <> "" Then Throw New Exception(err) End If Dim xml As String = GetResultFromJson(ob, "returncode") Console.WriteLine(xml) Console.WriteLine("Finished - Press enter to close") Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine("Error:" & ex.Message & " - Press enter to close") End Try Console.ReadLine() End Sub Private Function GetResultFromJson(o As JObject, sFind As String) As String For Each res As JObject In o.SelectTokens("data[*]") If res("type").Value(Of String) = sFind Then Return res("value").ToString End If Next Return "" End Function End Module
Return w.WebSaveSpecial(sHash, sUserName, sDatabase, sIP, sXML, sCommand, sArguments, bIgnoreWarnings, sDNS, lPort, sScheme, sNonce, datNonce)
AMSX is an internal language and does not need to access web services to execute
XCS access the server through a web browser. API calls can be executed directly from API Commands using Server.API, Server.Save and Server.SaveSpecial
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