Centralize Intune Data and then build processes
Intune stores key information on desktops and servers,
but the its inventory lacks the detailed information needed to manage these assets and their compliance.
There will be endpoints which are not in Intune and there will be reporting and lifecycle
asset management requirements which cannot be met by Intune's software.
We provide software asset management, network discovery, and full lifecycle
IT Asset Management with Intune data as the basis of the system.
Information missing from Intune endpoints, and additional endpoints not in Intune can be discovered with
xAssets Network Discovery, integration to Active Directory, Azure, Azure AD,
and other IT systems can be added, and software licensing, procurement, disposal, service management, full lifecycle ITAM
and a comprehensive reporting package are provided out of the box with a customizable framework.
Integration with Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, SCCM, JAMF, Meraki, and JIRA
is included to pull asset and incident data into the centralised repository
from all available sources. Integration to other systems and web services can be easily configured.
This provides a single source of all IT and cloud assets quickly and effectively.